
By default, content is laid out into the target publishdir (public) namespace matching its layout within the contentdir hierarchy. The permalinks site configuration option allows you to adjust this on a per-section basis. This will change where the files are written to and will change the page’s internal “canonical” location, such that template references to .RelPermalink will honour the adjustments made as a result of the mappings in this option.

For instance, if one of your sections is called post and you want to adjust the canonical path to be hierarchical based on the year and month, then you might use:

  post: /:year/:month/:title/

Only the content under post/ will be so rewritten. A file named content/post/sample-entry which contains a line date: 2013-11-18T19:20:00-05:00 might end up with the rendered page appearing at public/2013/11/sample-entry/index.html and be reachable via the URL